Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creator's Circle ROX!!

Dont you just Love being part of a community of Artists that inspire and encourage you?

I feel so very blessed to have such supportive kind ladies who continually shower me with positive energy. The collective musings of April, Melanie, Bonnie and Carrie have brought about growth and most importantly the bonding we all need as women :::: what an Incredible gift.

Thank you April for making it happen, for facilitating and feeding our creative spirits, you are loved, loved much for all that you are;)


  1. The bonding we need as women is so different than any other type of bonding - you are all very lucky to have each other and as an old time friend of Mel's I know you've got a special friend in her

  2. Jane, you really are a true and rare talent. Thanks for bringing your fun and spunky energy to our eclectic group of dreamers :)

  3. awesome! the layout turned out perfect! creators circle totally rocks!
